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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Family update

Mike and I have a new addition to our family. I would like you to meet Mimi Vella. She is a full breed boxer she's a black and white brindal but there isn't that many brown spots on her. She's around two or three and she is the best dog that I have ever owned. Don't get me wrong I love my bassett hound Lulu but she would drive my neighbors insane. We decided that we would get Lulu back when we move because she likes to hear her voice. Well Mimi doesn't bark at all I think that I've heard her make noise once. We are trying to fatten her up a little bit because she is a little skinny. She seems to like me better than Mike right now because I think that he made her made. He yelled at her because she tried to run away from him and he can't catch her if she does that. She loves kids and she loves being with people. She wears her heart on her tail she seriously never stops waging it. I was a little hesitant on getting another dog but I am glad we decided to get her. She is so sweet. I was depressed and sad and I know it's weird but I seem to be happier now. I love my life and I love my husband but Mimi has brought something into our family that I think we really needed. I don't feel the need to get frustrated and angry like I was doing before we got her. Well the whole court thing is over now. We only have to pay about $500.00 dollars a month and that includes health insurance. So out of pocket we are payin $300.00. I was relieved and have been sleeping much better now. Mike's been sick now for the past week or two and it is starting to worry me. Mike thinks that he may have had a seizure on Saturday because he's been sore and tired and he was acting really weird like he does after he's had a seizure. I am so happy that I have him in my life I just wish there was something that I could do for him I keep asking him what he needs me to do and he says nothing. He wouldn't even let me make him dinner tonight which is weird because he hardly ever turns down dinner. I am going to make dinner for him tomorrow though maybe when he's at work. Well that's it for now. I don't really have anything else to talk about.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Time for an update.....

Mike's court thing with the whole child support thing is tomorrow. I've seriously been frustrated about all of this for months. I am suprised that I don't have an ulcer from all of this. I don't know how she can ask for 1300 a month for two kids my dad's cousin doesn't even pay that for three kids. She told Mike that she didn't want me to go and I said too bad I am going. Plus Mike doesn't want to have to go and sit in a court room with her. She is seriously ridiculous. The sad thing is that Mike wants his kids more and she won't let him. She thinks she can still control him and she is trying to control me I think not I don't let people control me anymore. I was in a bad relationship on and off for 6 years and that is definately not going to happen with her. So there's really not much going on in the life of me. Work is the same except for Thursday. Thursday was seriously insane. It wasn't even the patients that were being the problem it was all the family members. I think that most of it was because there was a full moon. People say that they don't believe that but you should work in the healthcare field it's night and day when there's a full moon and when there's not one. Well I should get to bed so that I can get up and get ready for the whole court thing.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's a new year ready or not

So it's a new year I can't say I was ready for it but who can really say that they are really ready for it. Time for new resolutions and new beginnings. Mike and I are disgussing what our resolutions are going to be but we have no idea yet. We'll see I guess. Mike has been acting really weird lately it's just when he sleeps though. I am thinking it is from his anti-siezure medication. I looked up the side effects and he has most of them. He has been getting sleep but I haven't because he can't keep his legs steal and he will moan and groan all night. Last night I had to go and sleep in the kids room because he just wouldn't stop. He is impossible to wake up. I keep telling he needs to go talk to his neurologist and he hasn't done that yet because he missed his last appointment and is worried that they are going to charge him for it but really who cares his health is more important. I heard from my grandparents and my grandma seems depressed. They are on their mission and are enjoying it, but it seems to me that they are having a hard time being away from the family during the holiday season. Everyone did what they could to keep them from thinking they missed anything down here. We sent the video and pictures of our family get together. She really liked that but my grandma cries about anything and everything. That's the one of things that make my grandma special. Then there's my grandpa he's a hard ass and isn't a city person and when they got their calling to Manhatten he didn't necessaryly like that but once he got there he started to like it. He's seen Mama Mia like 3 times and really liked it. Now my dad is making fun of him. Court in on the 12th of January and I really want it to just be over with because I hate not knowing the unknown. I just want to know how much we owe the fucking bitch and be done. Well those are my thoughts for now. It seems that I am running out of things to write about.